TITLE: Chris Montgomery - Establishing a Bond CHRIS MONTGOMERY: Hi my name is Chris Montgomery and I work at the Texas school for the blind and visually impaired in Austin Texas and I work in the outreach department and I am a deafblind specialist and I've been doing this job for about seven years and before that I was a classroom teacher here and I taught deafblind kids in a self-contained classroom and I did that for for a while too it's been really nice to be able to contribute to the intervener modules especially with regards to interaction and bonding for me this interaction and bonding is a very important part if not the most important part of working with deafblind kids everything else flows from my bond with my student so it's very important to me as a teacher to work to establish that bond or you might say a trusted relationship when I think about my moments in life where I really experienced something that was just super cool and I felt that kind of happiness that you feel when something is so great it was it was almost always with another person another person who I had a close relationship with and when I really think about what made that experience so awesome it was it was because it was shared with that other person so you might say it was a shared experience and I think it's these moments in time that are shared with another person and they're not always happy moments right but they not only help us form our relationships but also help us form our sense of self and if we think about what allows us to form a bond with another person one big thing that always comes up is trust because without trust there is no bond there's no positive relationship so what is it that allows us to develop a sense of trust is it being predictable is it being reliable is it being safe it's probably all those things right and so looking at interaction or how you interact with another person and that might just be a fancy way of saying having a conversation or building again that trusted relationship there are certainly methods that we can use when talking about interaction as it pertains to a deafblind kid we will try to break it down into detail in the module but for shorthand right now again for me some of the main words that come to mind are those of predictability and reliability and safety I think about an experience that I had not too long ago with one of my students named Ray and Ray was in my classroom years ago and you'll see some video of us doing some things together in the modules and we had a great relationship we had a good trusted relationship built ray left my class after a couple years and moved back home and I didn't see ray for a number of years and during my job and outreach then we had a referral for me to come see ray and when I got there he was obviously a lot older he was sort of a big guy now and all of his teachers and his staff were kind of afraid of Ray nobody had built that bond with him they didn't really know how to interact or how to talk to him and so ray had spent quite a while just sort of sitting on a couch in this classroom and he was self-abusive and and just really not in a good place one of the things that Ray and I used to do is one of our little interactions or conversations that we used to have was we would say we would greet each other in the morning and I'd say hugg and Ray would sign hug back to me and then would give each other a big bear hug well as I as I went into this classroom and started to try to talk to Ray a crowd had sort of gathered around me and you know to kind of see what I was going to do with this guy you know because nobody else knew what to do and as I was talking to Ray obviously he was deafblind and and so we were talking to each other actually signing in each other's hands and I did my normal greeting that we had done years ago and I had signed hug to him and then I had my hands out just sort of you know waiting for him to say something and one of the people that were talking to me it was one of his teachers I had turned my head to talk to them and I heard this sort of crowd that had gathered around us gasp and sort of weird so I looked back at Ray and he was signing hug and nobody there knew that he could sign or really had any expressive language and I think it was really through that relationship and through the bond that we developed that he remembered that all those years later and so it's things like this that I think makes this interaction this bond so important it's what everything else works off of