FEMALE NARRATOR: A title: Jake Builds a Full Sentence. Jake sits at a table with his mother, Dee. His communication device is in front of him. DEE: Type the sentence. Well, you can type it. JAKE: I want. DEE: Do you want to... JAKE: To? DEE: Fix or learn to fix? Do you want to fix? JAKE: Fix. DEE: I want to fix what? I want to fix... JAKE: I want to fix. DEE: I'm listening, I want to fix what? JAKE: Train. I want to fix train. DEE: Okay. That's a good sentence. Or build. JAKE: Build. DEE: I don't know what that means. Talk to me. JAKE: Help? DEE: Okay. The word fix is right here. JAKE: Fix. DEE: And the word build is right there. JAKE: Build. Build. DEE: Oh, what do you want to build? Build what? JAKE: Train. DEE: I'm listening. JAKE: Remote control. Build train remote control. DEE: You want to build train remote control. I am.. Okay! Should we record that and put that on here? Okay! Alright!