FEMALE NARRATOR: A title: Jake and His Mom Discuss Shopping. Jake sits at a table with his mother, Dee. During the conversation they both operate his communication device. *Device beeping.* JAKE: Mom DEE [using device]:Yes. Piano. Yes Walmart has piano. DEE: Walmart does have a piano Jake.. DEE [using device]: What do you want piano for? What do you want piano for? JAKE: I want DEE: I'm listening, don't pull. JAKE: See. Ride. DEE: That one says CD player, that one says piano. JAKE: Piano. Package. Yes I want piano package. DEE: Okay. DEE [using device]: Money, do you have all the money? No. How much money do you need to buy piano? DEE: There's the 8 and there's the 5. I know they need to be color coded, don't they? JAKE: 8. 8. DEE: Oops. Okay listen, look. I need to color code these because you can't see them very good. Delete character, there's the 5 right there. Jake: 5. DEE: They're not color coded are they? Alright.