TITLE: Lauri Triulz - Being in the Same Space LAURI TRIULZI: Everyone communicates using non symbolic communication. So we cry we make faces we might use our body and that's a beginning, that's an emerging kind of communication and as a team who supporting this child to develop communication skills what we wanna do is share experiences with the child from their perspective we're gonna try to understand what does that activity feel like? What does that act what kinds, um movements do I make while I'm involved in that activity? So by being very focused and very cognisant of what the child's experience of an activity is, then when that child is communicating about that activity through expressions or gestures or bodily movement or sound we're able to understand what that child is trying to communicate so we're interpreting again a non symbolic communication but we're gonna then respond to the child and acknowledge that we, we hear what they're saying we get what you're sayin and I was there toO with you, yes and I remember yes, how that felt and how much fun that was or how scary that was or whatever the child is trying to communicate. But if we're not in the same space with the child sharing that activity or sharing that interaction or sharing whatever is happening we're not really gonna be able to interpret those gestures, those expressions, those bodily movements, that the child is giving us as a way of sharing their thoughts, their feelings and information with us.