Title: Least Likely Montage 00:00 [On Screen Text: As you begin this module you may be thinking "I could never teach about sexuality or bring up the subject in a team meeting..."] 00:09 [On Screen Text: You are not alone.] 00:15 >>SPEAKER 1 (FEMALE): I am the least likely person to be talking about sexuality because my mother wouldn't even talk to me about my period. I mean Holy Cow. [Laughter] It was the kind of thing that when, ah, it came up we went to the umm, program at school. She wouldn't talk to me about it but who was sitting next to me in the audience learning about it? My mother [laughter]. Wow... [Laughter] Wow... 00:47 >>SPEAKER 2 (FEMALE): I went to a catholic all girls high school and at that time I thought that I wanted to be a nun , so for me now... [Laughter] to have this totally opposite piece where I have young people that are really very comfortable asking me all kinds of questions and all, uh, it's just kind of funny. 01:05 >> SPEAKER 3 (FEMALE): My mother was very open, honest, gave us lots of information my dad as well, um, but [laughter] but growing up in that open environment, uh, I would get a little information and I would want to tell the neighborhood. And then she would say "Oh, reel it back in, you... their parents have to tell them." Um, and so I didn't always want to have this discussions with her, with my parents, I didn't always feel comfortable, when she was very open and honest. 01:42 >>SPEAKER 4 (FEMALE): Um, my family is very Catholic and so abstinence only was the only... only thing that I learned at school, and since I didn't have the talk, um, I think I've put myself into certain positions to... or in certain conversations rather to become more comfortable talking about sex. 02:04 >>SPEAKER 5 (MALE): I think sexuality is a very awkward topic for most people. And certainly I have not been the kind of person who wanted to just walk around and talk to people about sex all the time, as like something I talk to myself about but not with other people. I did have the sex talk with my oldest son and I figured that was enough, I didn't do it for the others [laughter] it was not that much fun, although he giggled and smirked through most of it. 02:33 >> SPEAKER 6 (FEMALE): Growing up Catholic, growing up in a way that felt that a lot of topics were very taboo and obviously sexual identity the concept of um... even owning one's own body and understanding about that access was very forbidden. 02:54 >>SPEAKER 7 (MALE): I'm a shy person at heart and, um, I've, ah, kind of learned that that's something you don't discuss in polite company even though it's something that is a common topic to all of us it's something that society has taught me that I need to keep to myself. And, um, and so it causes me a little bit of discomfort to even bring it up. 03:23 >>SPEAKER 8 (MALE): I wouldn't say that I'm the least likely person to talk about sexuality but I wouldn't say that I'm the most likely person either. And when I think about the reasons why I would be the least likely person I think it's because nobody ever really talked with me about it. And so I have had to build my own comfort zone in talking about it. So, um, I don't really know, I wouldn't really know where to start. 03:50 >>SPEAKER 9 (FEMALE): I am from white, suburban, upper-middle class upbringing and you don't talk about sexuality. 03:59 >>SPEAKER 10 (FEMALE): Um, I grew up in a home with, um, very religious parents, um, you know my family didn't believe in birth control, my mother had eight children very fertile family. And, um, so we were taught not... we were taught not to have sex. Um, or, you know not to have sex until we were married. I mean it was like, you know, well if you have sex that's a mortal sin so if you get in a car accident and die you go straight to hell, so don't have sex. So I was scared to death to have sex when I got married [laughter]. 04:31 >>SPEAKER 11 (FEMALE): I was raised in the south by a southern mother who would not allow the word to [laughter] be spoken in our house. I have an older sister and when my sister hit puberty my mother went to the library and got her a book and gave it to her and told her here's everything you need to know and when your sister's old enough I want you to explain it to her [laughter] that was all I got. So it wasn't something that you just felt real comfortable talking about. 05:06 [On screen text: It's normal to feel apprehension when addressing this topic within a team. It's important to address these issues in honest, healthy and positive ways. Sexuality is a natural part of life.]