DESCRIBER: A title: "Meet Soliz and Camila." HEATHER JOY: All rightÑthis is Soliz and Camila. Soliz is seven, almost eight, and Camila Rose is six, and theyÕre born 21 months apart. They have Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome. And weÕre going camping. [music] DESCRIBER: A montage of video clips: In a van, Soliz and Camila sit in their wheelchairs. Soliz smiles. They pass bare hills and wind turbines. At the campsite, their dad puts up the tent. Soliz and Camila lie in the tent with a dog. Outside, they sit with their aunt. Their dad pulls them in a red wagon. Camila swings in a hammock. Soliz holds a large ball. Camila and her grandma lie in the tent with the dog. A shot of the beach and ocean. On the beach, Camila sits on a blanket, moving her feet in the sand. Heather Joy holds Soliz on her lap. HEATHER JOY: We just love all the sensory experiencesÑthe ocean air and the sound of the waves and going and sitting in the sand and putting our feet in the cold water and getting sandy on our feet and our handsÉThereÕs so many things about being outdoors for four days that are amazing for the kids.