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Early Identification and Referral Toolbox

Identify Needs, Solutions, and Desired Outcomes


Make a list of the early identification and referral needs relevant to Part C that you discovered when you went through the Early Identification & Referral Self-Assessment Guide or other sources. Prioritize them in order of importance. Examples:

  • Part C personnel in a specific region of the state have insufficient knowledge of deaf-blindness and its etiologies and risk factors
  • Part C is not referring all infants and toddlers with known or suspected deaf-blindness that they serve to the state deaf-blind project


Propose potential solutions to the identified needs (see the “Take Action” section for more ideas and resources). Examples:

  • Embed information about deaf-blindness as a distinct disability and its associated etiologies and risk factors into Part C's training materials for personnel in positions to refer children with known or suspected deaf-blindness to your project
  • Establish a formal referral agreement between Part C and your project that outlines eligibility guidelines and the referral process (ideally incorporated into existing Part C processes)


Write a list of the outcomes you would like to achieve as you address these problems. Increased identification and referral are the ultimate outcomes, but it’s also helpful to focus on more immediate changes you would like to see. Examples:

  • Increased awareness by Part C personnel of deaf-blindness as a distinct disability
  • Improved Part C personnel knowledge of state deaf-blind project services
  • An increased number of infants are referred to your project by Part C