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Literacy for Children with Combined Vision and Hearing Loss

Strategy 5: Provide opportunities for students to read for the purpose of gaining information or knowledge

What to Do

  • Analyze student's daily schedule to identify opportunities to embed literacy activities.
  • Identify functional text used in daily activities.
  • Adapt materials in a meaningful format (make portable as needed).
    • Paths to Literacy, a joint project of the Perkins school for the Blind and the Texas School for the Blind, has an article that describes ways to adapt materials for deafblind children.
  • Develop and share directions for how student uses the materials.
  • After practicing in classroom, generalize to real life settings (e.g., home, church, store).

Things to Consider

  • Are all adapted text/materials available in all appropriate settings (school, home, community)?
  • Are typical peers included whenever possible?
  • Are all materials and activities age appropriate?
  • Do all activities lead to active participation and greater student independence?

Always Ask Yourself