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Literacy for Children with Combined Vision and Hearing Loss

Strategy 1: Conduct a symbol assessment to ensure symbols in literacy materials are understood by and accessible to student

What to Do

  • Select the type of symbols to initiate a symbol assessment for the targeted student
  • Conduct a symbol assessment following a documented protocol (e.g., Buekelman and Mirenda (2013) or Tangible Symbol Systems
  • After determining the symbols understood by the student, develop or adapt literacy materials using those symbols (see strategy #2 for comprehension)

Things to Consider

  • Based on observation or interviews with significant others, did you identify functional items with which the student is familiar? (These items and the symbols representing them will provide the basis for the symbol assessment)
  • Did you develop symbols for this assessment taking into consideration variables such as size, contrast, clutter, etc.?
  • Are you allowing enough time for the student to respond


Always Ask Yourself