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Literacy for Children with Combined Vision and Hearing Loss

Strategy 10: Provide opportunities for creative writing experiences

What to Do

  • Create Predictable Chart stories
  • Write captions for pictures, videos, PowerPoints or other presentations
  • Write notes, letters, cards, emails, texts and personal messages to others
  • Read and write poetry
  • Write modified stories or essays using sentence starters or writing frames.
  • Have the child share or publish writing
    • Have the child read (verbally, sign, or using a communication device) writing to friends, family, and staff members.

Things to Consider

  • Are you choosing topics and tasks that appeal to the child?
  • Does the child a have a way to select a topic? 
  • Would there be benefit from using a remnant book or other collection of topics that are interesting and important to the child?
  • What should the child's writing look like in this activity?
    • Depending on the activity, the child may scribble, create single word responses, or compose phrases or sentences. Many activities offer an opportunity to use a combination of these.
    • Just as we encourage multiple means of communication, many children will benefit from using multiple means of writing including use of real objects, symbols, their AAC devices, adapted or typical keyboards, or standard technology and pencils depending on the task and setting. Provide opportunities for the beginning writer to write or create text with symbols or words and with all of the letters of the alphabet (even if she can't yet spell). Pair symbols with print or Braille depending on your child's vision needs. Use Alternate Pencils for children who cannot or will not use a regular pencil or braille writer.
  • What adaptations or supports will the child need?
    • Sentence starters and other fill-in-the blank types of activities may be helpful for beginning writers. Writing with symbols may help them more effectively communicate their message. However, every child should also have access to writing with the full alphabet every day using Alternate Pencils if needed.


Always Ask Yourself