Distance Learning for Proficient Communicators
This page contains resources on how to provide distance instruction to students with deafblindness. It specifically focuses on students who are proficient communicators.
Many of the items were suggested during an April 2020 meeting of state deafblind project personnel, as well as experts in services for students and adults who are deafblind, deaf/hard of hearing, or blind/visually impaired.
Thanks to everyone who shared resources.

Connecting Online
These resources help instructors and students connect via video, online files, and documents. There are also numerous companies that provide remote captioning. Be sure to confirm with the student's school that any platforms you use comply with their privacy guidelines.
Remote Instruction
Most of the resources that provide details regarding remote instruction were developed for students who are Deaf/hard of hearing or blind/visually impaired. Participants during our April meeting reported they were helpful in meeting the needs of students with deafblindness as well.
These resources primarily focus on how to teach online. The NCDB website also includes a section on Educational Practices for children who are deafblind.