Making Connections
The state deafblind projects and NCDB work together as a network to improve services and outcomes for children who are deafblind and their families. Since we don't often have a chance to meet face to face, staying informed and connected online is essential to our network's success.
On this page, we've streamlined ways to make connecting with each other and staying up-to-date less overwhelming. Please let us know if these options are helpful and send suggestions for making staying connected easier and more meaningful to
NCDB Staff
Network Activities
State Project Webinars
Other News/Events
Do you have an event happening in your state that is not listed? We would love to include your events in this list. Email with the event name, dates and information so we can post it!
Mentoring Opportunities
Whether you are new to the network or have been a part of it for years, mentoring is a great opportunity to share knowledge and resources. If you are interested in being a mentor or a mentee email Megan Cote.