Info Center
What you'll find in our info center
Other Sources of Information
In addition to what you find on this website, there are many other great sources of information about deafblindness. NCDB's most extensive partnership in this area is with Perkins School for the Blind. The research librarian at Perkins' Hayes Research Library is a part-time NCDB employee and NCDB and Perkins work closely together to stay up-to-date on the literature on deafblindness and make it available to families and practitioners.

Contact Perkins Library
- Search the Hayes Research Library or Deafblindness Subject Guide
- Contact library staff and request information at or 617-972-7250
- See this Frequently Asked Questions page for more details about their library services.
Info Consortium
In January 2019, NCDB began a new group called the Deafblind Information Consortium. It consists of agencies that, in addition to other services, make information about deafblindness available to a national audience. Its purpose is to share ideas and resources and improve the coordination of information on deafblindness provided to families and service providers throughout the United States.
- American Printing House for the Blind
- CHARGE Syndrome Foundation
- Described and Captioned Media Program
- Helen Keller National Center
- National Center on Deafblindness
- National Family Association for Deaf-Blind
- Perkins School for the Blind
- Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
- Usher Syndrome Coalition
- Washington Sensory Disabilities Services
Legacy Products
Practice Perspectives
Communication Interactions: It Takes Two
Developing Concepts with Children Who are Deaf-Blind
Early Interactions with Children Who are Deaf-Blind
Expressive Communication: How Children Send Their Messages to You
The Importance of Orientation and Mobility Skills for Students Who are Deaf-Blind
Literacy for Persons Who are Deaf-Blind
A Psychological Evaluation of Children who are Deaf-Blind
Receptive Communication: How Children Understand Your Messages to Them
Project SALUTE Materials (Successful Adaptations for Learning to Use Touch Effectively)
I Wish I Had... Wisdom from Parents of Children Who are Deaf-Blind
Research on Real Life - 2001 and 2006
Communication Fact Sheets for Parents
Self-Determination for Children and Young Adults Who Are Deaf-Blind
Support Service Provider White Paper
National Transition Follow-Up Study of Youth Identified as Deafblind: Parent Perspectives