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For State Deafblind Projects

State deafblind projects provide a range of services to improve results for children with deafblindness and their families. They . . . 

  • Work closely with early intervention and education providers to address the high-intensity educational needs of children who are deafblind and prepare them for a successful transition to adult life
  • Facilitate family involvement in education and transition opportunities
  • Collaborate with OSEP-funded parent training and information centers
  • Conduct activities to increase early identification and referral
  • Promote access to and progress in the general education curriculum and grade-level academic content standards

This section of the website provides information and resources to support the projects with this important work.

Young girl sits with teaching assistant doing a science project.

Access to the General Education Curriculum

Providing access to the general education curriculum (GEC) is required by law for all students with disabilities. The link below includes resources for state deafblind projects to learn about this important topic and what they can do to help families and educators provide access to the GEC for students who are deafblind.

Learn more about Access to GEC

Ongoing Support from NCDB

NCDB's primary role is to provide assistance to  state projects to help them conduct their project activities. Our services include technical assistance (TA) and tools to support child-specific and systems TA. Child-specific TA refers to the work projects do with educational teams and families regarding specific children. Systems TA refers to activities to create or improve state and local services to better meet the needs of children who are deafblind and their families.

Read the most recent evaluations of our services, conducted by an external evaluator:

Learn more about NCDB's services

Technical Assistance graphic
SDBP staff sitting around table.

Making Connections

We all rely on each other for information and support to help children, families, and service providers. Learn how to stay connected to other state deafblind projects and NCDB. 

Making Connections


Project Management

State deafblind projects have numerous grant operation and management responsibilities, such as budgeting, evaluation, dissemination, and work plans. This page provides information about a wide range of these types of tasks. It's probably most relevant to new directors and coordinators, but experienced personnel may also find useful tips.

Project Management

A group of individuals around a conference table.
Decorative landscape. Text: current month

Monthly Updates

Having trouble keeping up with your emails? Monthly updates are the answer. 

Every month we compile summaries of email notices you may have missed, as well as additional announcements about such things as upcoming webinars, new resources, recent publications, and news from OSEP. 

Read the monthly update