2019 NICE Mentoring Webinar Series
Recorded November 13, 20 and December 5.
This three-part National Intervener Certification E-Portfolio (NICE) mentor series focuses on developing the basic skills required to function effectively as a mentor to candidates going through the NICE process. It is one of many resources for state deaf-blind projects to use in their support of intervener training and certification. For additional resources, see Intervener Training Resources for State Deaf-Blind Projects.
Primary audience: Individuals who are actively supporting intervener candidates through the NICE process and have completed both NICE training modules.
Presenters: Ritu V. Chopra, William Hepworth, & Leanne Cooke.

NCDB thanks Dr. Ritu Chopra, Executive Director, of the PAR2A Center for developing this webinar series. Dr. Chopra has a long history of conducting outreach and training related to paraeducator training and support, including mentoring.
Webinar 1: The Role of the Mentor
This webinar, the first of three in this series, describes the expectations of a NICE mentor. It is geared toward individuals who are actively supporting intervener candidates through the NICE process and have completed both NICE training modules. Prior to viewing the webinar, we encourage you to complete the Mentor Confidence Inventory. Finally, the four stages of the cyclical process of mentoring (assess and prioritize, develop and implement a plan of action, monitor progress, and reinforce progress) will be discussed.
- Increase knowledge of the role of mentors
- Increase knowledge of NICE mentor roles and expectations
- Reflect upon viewers own mentoring skills
- Learn about the cyclical process of mentoring
Webinar Recording
The Role of the Mentor
Captioning (txt)
The Role of the Mentor
Mentoring Forms
Form A NICE Mentor Confidence Inventory
Form B Intervener Competence Inventory
Form C Mentor or Supervising Teacher Pre-Assessment of Intervener Competence Inventory
Form D Mentor-Mentee Plan of Action
Form E Mentor Checklist
Form F Mentor Feedback Form
After viewing this webinar please fill out the evaluation survey.
Webinar 2: Ensuring Intervener Candidate Success in NICE - Strong Narratives and Reflective Practice
This interactive training webinar aids participants in understanding intervener candidate expectations within the NICE portfolio creation process. It is geared toward individuals who are actively supporting intervener candidates through the NICE process and have completed both NICE training modules. The presenter describes the artifacts that form the core of candidates’ portfolios, the scoring rubric used by portfolio reviewers, and the importance of self-reflection and strong narratives by candidates.
- Increase knowledge of two components of NICE portfolio artifacts – documentation and explanations
- Increase knowledge of the importance of strong narratives in artifact explanations
- Develop an understanding of the importance of enhancing interveners’ self-reflection and self-assessment skills regarding their own practice
Webinar Recording
Ensuring Intervener Candidate Success in NICE - Strong Narratives and Reflective Practice
Captioning (txt)
Ensuring Intervener Candidate Success in NICE - Strong Narratives and Reflective Practice
Mentoring Form
NICE Intervener Self-Reflection Tool
After viewing this webinar please fill out the evaluation survey.
Webinar 3: Ensuring Intervener Candidate Success in NICE - Portfolio Scoring
The final webinar in this 3-part series expands on the information provided in the previous webinar, "Ensuring Intervener Success in NICE Part 1: Strong Narratives & Reflective Practice." It is geared toward individuals who are supporting intervener candidates through the NICE process and have completed both NICE training modules. The presenters facilitate the review of artifact examples (effective and ineffective) to help mentors understand how to support intervener candidates as they create artifacts for their portfolios. A sample scoring exercise will help participants understand the review process. The webinar also shares the unique perspectives of NICE reviewers who are also NICE mentors and how that influences the support they provide to candidates.
- Recognize the Council for Exceptional Children intervener competencies that are hard to demonstrate and asses
- Learn how an understanding of the scoring process helps intervener candidates develop effective artifacts
- Learn about the unique perspective of mentors who are reviewers
- Become familiar with a checklist for ensuring the timely completion and submission of portfolios
Webinar Recording
Ensuring Intervener Candidate Success in NICE - Portfolio Scoring
Captioning (txt)
Ensuring Intervener Candidate Success in NICE - Portfolio Scoring
After viewing this webinar please fill out the evaluation survey.